Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life in the so called space age

Since I was a child, I always loved movies and I loved the idea of computers. I say "loved the idea" because I was able to understand what computers would be and become long before there were computers in every home. I loved Star Trek and Star Wars, M*A*S*H and All in the Family. 

Growing up, my older brother Allen had a reel to reel recorder. And he used to record the audio tracks of movies that played on a new type of subscription called "ON TV". We would listen to recordings of Apocalypse Now or Monty Python and the Holy Grail over and over again. Wanting to relive the experience of enjoying our favorite movies. When I was about 12 I spliced the wiring of a cassette deck microphone to the back of my television because I reasoned that if audio could be recorded on magnetic tape, then surely video being simply an electronic signal could be recorded as well. Needless to say, my experiment was a complete failure, but the fact that a few short years after that, my Dad came home with something none of us had ever scene or heard of yet called a "Video Cassette Recorder" or VCR. As a child I saw that my theory was correct. I was not upset that I had not become famous as the guy in history that invented the thing, I was happy to have one in our house because I knew what the potential would be for the technology. I wanted to play with the thing!

And this is not the only time I have seen into the future of technology. For those that understand it, it is easy to see what is around the corner. And if you understand history, you can, to a certain extent, predict trends and events. But the types of technology that we have these days is breaking such new ground like nothing that we have ever seen before in history. 

As an aspiring film maker, writer and musician I have been predicting for years a Utopian digital world for artists everwhere. A world in which anyone could make a movie, record a song, make a video or write a book and have it distributed all over the world to anyone. To reach the entire planet. This is a type of a event in the history of our collective civilization that is unparalleled anywhere in history and we are living in the time in which the world is changing in this way. And I feel that in 2009 I had better quit talking about the technology and start using it. I have been left behind because I didn't hit the ground running. 

So this blog and my new Podcast are ways in which I'm going to start exploring the world of digital production and distribution through the practical means of actually using it. Let's see how it goes.